Title: Digital Engagement
Author: Leland Harden and Bob Heyman
Published by: AMACOM
Reviewed by: Roger Williams, director of international marketing, Right Media
So is this yet another book about ‘buzzy sounding Web 2.0 concepts’ (isn’t anyone else bored of the ‘2.0’ mantra)? Yes, it does mention Web 2.0 too many times but it’s something more. Is this another book co-authored by a university based writer that is dry and academic? Well yes, one of the authors is at Hardin-Simmons University but both have had real commercial experience and have run digital businesses.
As a result, you have a very accessible, easy to read handbook to help ensure you’re getting the most from the digital marketplace.
The scope of the book is wide, covering online branding, search engine optimisation, affiliate marketing, online advertising, online PR, measurement, etc, and this wealth of topics is supported by a plethora of practical tips, including best practices, tools, vendors to consider and relevant websites.

Although the scope is broad, the style lends itself very much to teaching and advising the reader, which brings to it great value. For example, I’ve currently no plan to create a web video. However, bringing success down to a simple formula (.5C + .15M + .20T + .15P = success, if you hadn’t guessed) provides a useful framework for how to allocate time and resources to develop a viral video and highlights the practical nature of the book. It also highlights how up to date it is by the fact it’s covering the emerging media, such as how to buy video advertising, which can be challenging due to the infancy of this medium and the fact there is little standardisation.
It may lack specifics related to B2B and there may be elements that you already know but this does not take away from the book’s value, as there are bound to be a host of ideas in it to try out.
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