Digital State

Author: Simon Pont
Publisher: Kogan Page
Reviewer: Lucy Acheson, head of data planning, WDMP

It’s not often that you are glued to every page of a business book, convinced that the next page can’t beat the last, but this book did just that for me! Compiled and written by Simon Pont, who is clearly a fiercely intelligent and impassioned modern ‘Ad man’, he has thrown open the pages of this compendium to 13 deeply influential figures in global marketing, to give their views on how the internet is changing everything. I was blown away by each chapter, feeling humbled but excited as I read this delicatessen of insight and genuinely useful, thought provoking prose.

There is something to learn for everyone  in our industry as we gently relinquish the offline dominance and brace ourselves, ready for inevitable digital immersion and the clarity, insight and infinite wisdom we may glean from the data by-product, if we ask the right questions. 

The book offers opinion on the ‘digital exhaust’ – yes it exists invisibly all around us – how best we should embrace and make the best of the utopian or dystopian entity the internet now is, as well as how we should be protecting our children as they  grow up defined by this invisible second dimension to all our lives.

The authors discuss topics such as our over reliance on “being connected” and the “always on” world we now face, but most importantly, how we as marketers should make best of the super “herd” mentality now facing us as the x billion human beings on the planet  are interacting with one another and brands at the flick of a finger.

Whether or not I agreed or disagreed with what was written in each chapter, the book forced me to think and re-evaluate the depths of said Digital State, and recognise the efforts  of those like me attempting to harness the power of the digital web now inexorably woven into the very fabric of our existence.

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