DNX and SAP create social media hub

Marketing agency DNX has partnered with technology company SAP to launch a social media hub designed to increase understanding of the role data plays, and to increase awareness of SAP Crystal Solutions.

Lovehatedata.com is targeted primarily at business professionals with a secondary focus on an IT audience and is part of a long-term strategy. The website encourages debate and engagement to discover how people feel about the constant presence of data in our lives.

To help frame discussions the site has two fictional characters; Peter, who loves data and David, who loathes it. Facebook advertising is being used to drive visitors to the site, this is being integrated with EDM and seeding and managing conversations across other social media platforms.

DNX and SAP aim to practice what they preach and will use the data gathered on the site to create interactive infographics and data visualisations, as well as collecting leads.

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