There are many ways to promote your business without spending a fortune. One way is to thank your customers for their loyalty by sending them a customised Christmas Ecard. As well as putting a smile on their face when they open the ecard, you will also be helping with your marketing efforts. A personalised Ecard will show the customer that you care and appreciate their business, as well as reminding them about your company products and services.
Internet marketing is a powerful tool and sending out electronic greeting cards is a great example. Many companies do this rather than sending conventional Christmas cards. Ecards are a much better alternative to sending out physical Christmas cards to your customer base because for a start no trees were harmed in the making of a bespoke Ecards. Also they are cheaper to send and you can reach a greater audience. They can be completely customisable, include links to your website and social sites, are completely traceable and if they are designed well can pack a powerful marketing punch. It is very rare to find a card that precisely expresses what you actually want to say. By sending Ecards you can say exactly what you want and also make your clients smile on receipt.
The first step to sending out e-cards is to actually design your card. There are two options here; you can either design your card in-house or use one of the many e-card design services available online. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Designing in-house obviously means that your card will be truly unique to your company, but unless you have a talented graphic design team (who are also capable of motion graphics) then this option isn’t really viable. Even if you do have a talented design team, designing e-cards can direct resources away from other more vital projects. If you take the in-house route, make sure you set a dedicated timeframe for the project!
Using an e-card design service can seem like an impersonal choice, but there are usually enough design options to make your card unique and thus make design services a valid option. You start by choosing a theme and a design and then personalise the e-card with your own text, photos and images. A great deal of these cards will allow for animation too! On the whole, this option is great if you aren’t confident in creating your own design. Be careful when choosing your e-card provider, however – there are plenty of good free designers out there, but it’s probably worth using pay services for a better quality of card. You’ll find that these designers don’t have to recoup their fees through adverts either, meaning your card is truly yours.
Once you’ve designed your card, there comes the question of distribution. Again, this boils down to whether you want to keep your e-card campaign in-house or source it out to online e-card services. The easiest route by far is making use of e-card services, who will usually offer you a distribution method along with your design. All you need is a list of emails and away you go. I bet you have far more emails than physical addresses which is why there is a much greater reach with eCards. You can also create eCards for different people. Perhaps you have a group of current clients which you would like to send them a particular message too, and then a group of previous clients which you wish to entice back to you. This is all possible with eCards, you can have as many or little designs and wordings as you wish.
Don’t take my word for it, try it this year and sit back in the New Year and reap the rewards. ECards are much more memorable than standard cards and are more likely to be watched, plus like I said before you can track the success of them. So if you want to get a marketing message and seasonal greeting across to your clients or new potential clients this year, try sending them an eCard. You will not look back.
Wishawish are market leaders in Christmas Ecards. This September they are offering a sale, use the coupon found on this page: Wishawish Ecard Deal.