Email most-used delivery channel

Email is the most regularly used content distribution channel, despite scepticism regarding its effectiveness, according to new research published by B2B Marketing.

Ninety-four per cent of B2B marketers regularly use email as a primary distribution channel.

However, only 29% believe email is a ‘very effective’ delivery channel.

The ‘company website’ and ‘social media’ were second and third most frequently employed content delivery channels, respectively, while ‘events’ and ‘one-to-one meetings’ were regarded as the most effective means of distributing content.

That ‘real world’ delivery routes are eclipsing digital channels in terms of effectiveness may cause some to raise an eyebrow, but best practice would still highlight the importance of integration.

Download the full report here: B2B Marketing Content Marketing Benchmarking Report 2013. Plus, download the #b2bcontent infographic providing further detail on the report.

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