
Five tips for aggressively growing your email marketing list | B2B Marketing

How to grow your email list one tip at a time

Email is one of the classic staples of a successful online marketing campaign. However, it’s challenging to grow an email list to a size that provides a worthwhile return on investment. Unlocking the secrets behind scaling your email list may be exactly what you need to take your business to the next level.

Scale your email list with these five tips

Email is a tricky mode of communication. On the one hand, everyone uses email. Thus, it makes sense to target people with this comfortable tool. On the other hand, people receive so much email that they are constantly unsubscribing from mailing lists and tossing unread emails into their virtual trash bins.

If you want to successfully leverage email as a powerful marketing tool, you must be able to grow your list and keep people engaged. In this article, we’ll review the first component of this important process. Specifically, pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Offer something of value

The number one key to successfully and aggressively growing an email marketing list involves giving people a reason to believe. In other words, why should they sign up for your list? (Hint: It’s not because you’re awesome.)

In most cases, a tangible benefit will work the best. “Since subscribers are always worth something, offer a discount, a free trial, or something of value for signing up,”

says David Marinaccio

, email marketing manager at Active Web Group. “Let anyone visiting your website immediately know what you’re offering. An email newsletter sign-up that says ‘Sign up to save 15%’ will almost always outperform a more vaguely worded sign up.”

  1. Target the right groups

You can have the best growth strategy in the world, but it isn’t going to get you anywhere if you don’t target the right people. Make sure you’re putting your opt-in and sign up forms in front of the people who will find your brand and email valuable.

  1. Build an online presence

You should wait for people to find you. Aggressive growth requires a lot of action and effort on your part. Begin building an online presence and use it to connect with people through meaningful interactions.

Try building LinkedIn groups

, developing content on blogs and publishing platforms, and establishing authority in other online communities.

The internet isn’t as fragmented as you may think. Over time, you’ll begin to see the same names pop up over and over again in your niche. The more people that get to know your name, the more prone they’ll be to sign up for an email you’re offering.

  1. Use cross promotion

As your email list grows in size, it becomes more powerful. One good idea is to actually cross promote your email list for growth. Reach out to individuals who you believe will be able to encourage more signups for you and then offer them space in one of your emails in return. This is beneficial for both parties involved.

  1. Provide an email of value

Part of building a large email list involves keeping current subscribers from unsubscribing or opting out. The

best way to do this

is by creating an email of value. Each time you send out an email, ask yourself this simple question: “Why should the recipient read this email?” If you can’t come up with a reasonable answer, then your email is probably subpar.

Never stop growing

Never get complacent with your email marketing list. Unlike other things in life, more is always better. The more people you’re sending emails to, the more people will open them, and the more conversions you’ll receive down the road. Use these five tips to start growing today.

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