The Marcomms Agencies Benchmarking Report is the biggest piece of research B2B Marketing produces each year. It’s not just a big deal for me in terms of workload, but it drives some fantastic content for us a publisher and garners a lot of interest from agency and client-side marketers looking to gain insight on the agency landscape and how it is changing each year. But, not everyone will be familiar with the project, so I’ve put together a snapshot of the report and why you should be part of this fantastic piece of research.
The B2B agency league table
The B2B agency league table launched back in the pre-digital days, and consisted of a list of just 20 agencies. Since then, the list has continued to grow. Last year saw a record number of entries, increasing the league table to a top 50 list, which we’re hoping expands even more in 2013. It gets published on our website and in the forthcoming October issue of the magazine.
The report
The annual Marcomms Agencies Benchmarking Report, contains a wealth of information on agencies themselves, and delves into greater details on general trends, and specific information on particular agencies .The report is published in October and is comprised of three parts:
1. Current trends in agency activity – Benchmarking data on financials, employment, services and expertise, projects and agency health and industry issues.
2. League tables – Top UK B2B marcomms agencies, top fastest growing agencies and a global league table. We’re also inviting non-marcomms agencies to enter this year so we can add other types of agency league tables to the mix (depending on demand).
3. Agencies in detail – Agency profile pages highlighting individual agencies’ performance, services and expertise. I should say here that these pages include commercial ads and are open to those agencies opting to do this.
Who should enter and why?
Marcomms agencies – Completing the survey will enable you to judge how you’re performing in comparison to your competitors. It’s important to note that the financial information you provide will need to be verified with a letter from your accountant confirming the information you’ve submitted is accurate (make sure you send this by 30 August). What’s more, this year we’re inviting client-side marketers to tell us about their experiences using agencies and what they expect from you. Complete the survey now.
PR and telemarketing agencies – this year we received lots of interest from both PR and telemarketing agencies, so in response we have created separate league tables for each. PR agencies participate now, telemarketing agencies can participate here.
Client-side marketers – This short survey takes just 10 minutes to complete and allows you to give agencies the feedback they need to enhance their services to you. Those completing the survey will receive a copy of the final report and be entered into a prize draw to win two tickets to our November B2B Marketing conference (worth £495 each). Share your experiences and expectations now.
We look forward to receiving your entries.