Exposure is key for BLA development

Broader exposure and better understanding is the key to a successful evolution of the Business List Audit (BLA), according to new research by B2B Marketing, in association with the Direct Marketing Association (DMA).

The study of buyers of business data showed that awareness of the BLA was generally poor, with 65 per cent describing it as ‘weak’ or ‘non-existent’ whilst only 13 per cent described it as ‘strong’. Similarly, only 11 per cent of buyers admitted to using BLA compliance as the critical factor influencing data-buying decisions. Fifty eight per cent do not consider it at all, whilst 32 per cent take it into account, but do not regard it as crucial.

However, on a more positive note, the research reinforced the strong demand for an effective vehicle for business data accreditation, with 68 per cent of respondents citing ‘percieved accuracy of data’ as the critical factor in buying decisions. The next biggest factor, ‘history of success in creating leads’, only polled 13 per cent.

Of particular interest to data providers themselves, 70 per cent of buyers stated that they had previously stopped using a data supplier due to concerns over the quality of their data. This suggests that buyers are very focused on quality issues, and that in the long run suppliers investing in quality will benefit. Conversely, price was nominated as the least important factor, only cited by four per cent of respondents.


Almost 65 per cent of respondents agreed that the following statement best summarised their attitude to the BLA: ‘It’s a good idea which needs more exposure’. Only one per cent agreed with the statement: ‘it’s an excellent initiative which has improved the quality of data.’

For the future, two thirds of respondents stated that ‘a higher profile and greater understanding of aims’ is crucial for the development of the BLA. Twenty per cent stated that ‘tighter/more stringent qualification criteria’ should be applied, whilst eight per cent focused on increasing the breadth of membership as a means of driving it up the agenda.

Only 29 per cent of respondents were members either personally or through their organisation of the DMA.


“The research clearly indicates that the Business List Audit (BLA) is a product that is needed and has been welcomed,” says Vic Godding, chair of the DMA standing committee of the DMA. “For its next phase of development, not only will the data processes go through the audit checks but also a sample extract will be rigorously checked independently. This is one of many enhancements that are already in the pipeline. “It is also clear that the BLA needs to make a lot more operators aware that it exists, in order to gain recognition and acceptance outside of DMA’s membership. Plans to publicise BLA to a wider B2B audience are well advanced, we must also make sure that agencies and brokers alike are fully aware of the standards measured so that accreditation is one of the key deciders when selecting B2B data providers. “So far 42 per cent of respondents to this survey use BLA as one of the deciding factors when selecting data, we want this to increase to over 50 per cent and see its progress so far as steps in the right direction. “This research shouts loud about data accuracy being an important discriminator, indeed nearly 70 per cent make buying decisions based on perceived accuracy of the data being investigated. With the BLA now interrogating data quality as well as process, we see its position becoming even stronger and are working towards an ever-increasing number of accredited suppliers. “A massive 70 per cent of responders tell us we need to explain better the aims of the BLA, and the DMA has already dedicated part of its website to provide better understanding of the initiative and its aims. It is the intention of the BLA to use mediums such as B2B Marketing to further explain our intentions.”

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