Facebook gives news feed design overhaul

Facebook has redesigned its news feed to give more space to music, games and advertising.

Speaking at a press conference in San Francisco, the social network’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg said the aim of the redesign is to make news streams feel like a “personalised newspaper”.

Facebook’s new-look feed will allow marketers to develop more creative ads to engage and reach prospects to attract higher click-through-rates than sponsored ads that traditionally appear on the right of the feed.

Damian Routley, CEO of Glow – one of Facebook’s marketing developing partners, said the new development provides an opportunity for businesses to create greater visual impact for their advertising. But he also expressed some concern, “The revamped news feed includes a feed where no pages of public figures can show up. The ‘Friends-only’ feed therefore, will not include any ‘Page Post Ads’ which could be a problem for businesses. However, it will presumably include sponsored stories – the paid ad formats that promote a friend’s interaction with a brand, meaning that there’s relevancy and context within whichever environment the user is in.”

The changes were rolled out yesterday, and will be fully implemented over the next few weeks.

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