Facebook launches strategic preferred marketing developers status

B2B marketers deciding who to partner with when running campaigns on Facebook have been given a helping hand in the guise of the social network’s new ‘strategic preferred marketing developer’ (sPMD) classification.

Twelve of a potential 300 marketing companies and service providers, including Salesforce and Adobe, have been given the status at launch.

In addition to enjoying a higher profile, and potentially gaining new clients, the chosen companies have also been given seats on the new sPMD Council, as well as early access to unreleased Facebook projects.

Speaking in a blog following the announcement, senior manager, product marketing, social media at Adobe, said, “We’re excited about this new oppor­tu­nity and priv­i­lege to col­lab­o­rate with Face­book as a Strate­gic PMD.

“We think it will mean great things for Adobe, Face­book and brands.”

Learn more about sPMD and see the full list of approved partners.






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