FedEx launches campaign to inspire SMEs

FedEx launches campaign to inspire SMEs

FedEx Express has launched a new campaign focusing on the internationalisation of SMEs.

The film-based campaign will be released across 13 global markets, with the focus of each video demonstrating the benefits of international expansion for small businesses.

The SMEs featured in the video ads consist of an Argentinian shoe shop, a Japanese fabrics company and a Caribbean hot sauce vendor.

The films follow the SME owners as they realise their dreams, seeing their products circulated around the world.

In the UK, SMEs account for 99.3 per cent of all private sector companies, employing 15.6 million people and making up 60 per cent of private-sector employment.

Brenda McWilliams-Piatek, VP marketing, FedEx Express Europe, commented: “In the UK, SMEs face and overcome challenges every day in all aspects of their business.

“However, FedEx is there to take weight off their shoulders and enable them to expand their reach into global markets. We do this not only by providing reliable logistics but also by leveraging our considerable expertise in helping businesses navigate the complexities of global trade.”

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