Email can be an extremely powerful tool offering recipients immediate access to highly focused content that can significantly aid business decision-making. However, email can also be the bane of our lives, with the wave of often irrelevant and untargeted messages threatening to overwhelm many in marketing.
At B2B Marketing, we’d rather be part of the solution than the problem, and that means allowing our members to make better use of our email feeds. With that in mind, we’ve enhanced our preference page allowing registered and logged in members to sign up to content streams based on specific topics – called Knowledge Bank alerts. You can also choose the frequency with which you’d like to receive them, and you can opt out of receiving the more generic bulletins that we send out.
By visiting the preference page, you can opt in to receive the content that is most relevant to your needs, either on a weekly or daily basis. The topics currently available are based on our Knowledge Bank areas – these are social media, email marketing, branding, data, demand generation, search marketing, telemarketing, marketing automation, ROI, international marketing and CRM. New areas will follow soon.
Each update will include the latest news, features, best practice articles, case studies and details of upcoming events relevant to the subject area or areas that you have selected. If there’s no new comment, you won’t get an email.
This preference page and the Knowledge Bank Alerts allow you to ensure that B2B Marketing provides you with the right content for your needs at the right time – I do hope you take advantage of it, and let me know any feedback that you might have. Click here to log in and then access the preference page.