Green mailer campaign launched by recycle company

Paper manufacturer Arjowiggins Graphic has launched a mailer campaign to promote its Environmental Benefit Statements (EBS) and recycled paper for businesses.

The campaign, targeting designers, printers and corporates, highlights how an EBS allows a business to make a solid statement about their green credentials.

Mailers will be sent to more than 6000 companies with examples of how an EBS illustrates how much they have reduced their environmental impact on any given print run. The inclusion of an EBS in corporate documents, annual reports and promotional literature gives companies the chance to convey their CSR policies to clients.

Angela De Vorchik, operational marketing manager at Arjowiggins Graphic Papers, said, “The launch of our mailer campaign and improvements to the website is part of our overall strategy to provide the most up to date information to the market on the benefits of using recycled stocks that can enhance businesses’ CSR strategies and help meet their own green targets.”

Veronica Ferguson, from Heedi Graphic Design, in Edinburgh, said, “Lots of companies know they should be acting to support the environment but a lot of the time don’t know what their impact is or how to illustrate it.”

“The EBS is fantastic because it allows you to get the figures to show exactly how you are helping to reduce environmental impact and you can do it so quickly.”

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