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AWARDS CASE STUDY: Category 7: ‘#GoingSocial’ by Bluewolf

The #GoingSocial internal campaign aimed to increase internal and external collaboration at Bluewolf through the social web. As a professional services firm, Bluewolf views its people as assets. They strove to unlock the knowledge of their employee base and develop the online personas of internal thought leaders—thereby raising the total brand.

Having trained 300+ employees on social media platforms, Bluewolf specifically encouraged the

use of Twitter, LinkedIn, Salesforce Chatter, Google+, Facebook, Flickr, and Pinterest.

It also drove social collaboration by hosting social, knowledge-based profiles of each of the employees on its website. Through Salesforce, employees managed their own profiles, showcasing their social networks, recent tweets and musings (or published work on, and a range of other biographical information.

Lastly, Bluewolf implemented a gamification platform within Salesforce to further drive the desired social collaboration behaviors. Employees earn rewards and recognition by collaborating internally on Chatter, improving Klout scores, creating content for our knowledge base, publishing blog posts, sharing Bluewolf content, driving traffic to our website, etc. The initiative has been a huge success in both collaboration and inbound marketing.

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