Nick Davies, senior strategic planner at Mason Zimbler, suggests three ways we might expect social media advertising to evolve:
1. Sentiment – being able to utilise past conversations to determine a variety of different ads that can be served. This will gradually develop into something the social networks integrate into an automated process, allowing you to have light touch engagement content served to those who are just becoming educated on the category, and product benefit referencing your brand name next to
a competitor.
2. Location – location already plays a key role in targeting regions or cities for users but your location at a given moment is currently a fairly underutilised piece of information in regard to social advertising. The challenge for B2B brands is taking this retail-focused ad technology and converting it into context-relevant messages to be served around business productivity on the go.
3. Social currency equalling ad currency – the increased drive to encourage propagation of content will see brands able to offer deals or incentives to customers that are paid for via sharing of content.
Find out more – read our social media advertising feature here>>