How to Create a Custom Subject Line for Your Blog’s E-Mail Updates?

Email marketing is an effective tool for every business in order to create awareness about your product and to target the audience across the globe. Most percentage of email marketing company is being failed due to lack of a good subject line. Since most of the people see the subject line and read the content inside it. If the subject line is eye-catching, interesting and meaningful then you can engage the audience for longer duration.

It is recommended to check the subject line twice before sending to the potential audience. Since the good subject line increases the number of audience and this in turn increases the conversions.

Email blogs are the place where the business people can share their insights regularly with the customers. For creating a custom subject line for your email blog updates you have to follow the below given tips:

Be clear and specific :

Generally emails are sent to the customer for notification and email newsletters. It should give a clear and concise message to the customer about your information. They should tell the recipient what they are exactly about and why you are sending to them. The subject line should be relevant to the email body. Use catchy subject line which entices the customer to open the email.

Personalizing the subject line :

Personalization should be maintained in the subject line to make the customer believe that you are caring them. For instance we can see this in LinkedIn, if Mary sends add request to Jason then he receives it as “Mary invitation is waiting for your response”

When the businesses are personalizing the subject line they have to carry out A/B testing by including gender, first name and last name etc.

Use auto-responders to get loyal customers :

These are used to send a single email or a sequence of mails at a time. These are quite important to gain and maintain customers for longer duration. They help the recipients to know about you and even build a good rapport between you both. Therefore, boosts up your open rates and email conversions.

Conduct A/B testing :

A/B tests have to be conducted on the two subject lines to determine which one is achieving the best results before sending out blog email updates to the customers. For instance, conduct A/B testing on subject lines “Holiday Gift Guide” and “Holiday Gift Ideas” on the same set of audiences. The one which achieves the maximum open rates and conversions should be used as your subject line.

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