How To Create A Myspace Page For Your Business

You might be asking yourself, “Myspace?! Is that still around?” Well, the answer is yes! Myspace is alive and well, and it’s been completely revamped since Justin Timberlake bought 50% of the company and became co-owner in 2011. With Timberlake in their corner, Myspace was effectively rebranded into a booming social entertainment network with a heavy focus on music, arts, culture, and lifestyle.

This rebranding created a great opportunity for a lot of companies to hop onboard the Myspace train and connect with millions of potential customers who might not be active on other social networks like Facebook or Twitter. If you’re interested in creating a Myspace page for your business, then follow the seven steps below, and your profile will be up and running in no time!

When you go to sign up for Myspace, the first thing you’ll be asked to do is identify your profile type. There are several options to choose from including: DJ, Producer, Writer, Developer, Venue, Brand, and many more. Since you’re creating the page for your business, you’ll most likely want to choose the “Brand” option, but you can select more than one if there is another category that relates to your company.

Because Myspace requires that all pages are run by people, you will have to fill out the following information in order to continue:

  • Full name
  • Email
  • Password
  • Username
  • Birthday
  • Gender

The username should be the name of your company, and the birthday can be the date that your company was founded. As for gender, it’s smart to choose the gender that represents your brand’s target demographic. For example, a company that sells makeup would be primarily targeted toward a female audience, whereas a company that sells menswear would focus on a male audience. If your brand is geared toward men and women equally, then either choice will work when creating your profile.

Choosing a good profile photo is very important because it’s one of the first things people will notice, and it’s always smart to make a good first impression on your potential customers. Most companies on Myspace (or any other social media platform) will take the simple route and use a their logo because it’s easily identifiable, and it represents the brand as a whole.

Myspace gives you the option to add additional information about your brand, which will allow your connections to learn more about you from the get-go. In the section under “Tell Us About Yourself,” you should write a short company bio. Unfortunately, Myspace only allows a maximum of 150 characters, but you can definitely fit some valuable info into the allotted space. You can also add your company location, which is great for small businesses that cater to a local consumer base. And finally, in the space where it says “Add URL,” make sure to add the link to your company website so that your connections know where to find you around the web.

Myspace has two options when it comes to profile visibility: public and private. This is good because it makes it extra simple rather than having to choose privacy settings for each section of information. Obviously, you’re going to want your company page to be public so that anyone on Myspace can view your profile and connect with you.

The cover photo on Myspace takes up your entire landing page aside from your profile picture and basic info on the left, and when you scroll, the page moves horizontally, rather than vertically like most websites. This is a little disorienting at first, but it’s actually a pretty cool and unique feature, so you definitely want to choose an eye-catching cover image that effectively represents your brand. The surface area is much bigger than that of the profile photo, so it’s a great opportunity to ditch the boring default cover photo and choose an image that has more detail.

Congrats! You now have a Myspace page for your business, and you get to start posting and connecting with current and potential customers. To post a new update, just click the blue button that says “Post.” Posts can be up to 150 characters long, and you have the option to add a photo or even a song to go along with the content. Songs can add a whole new dimension to your post, and people will be more likely to engage with your updates. You can also add external links to your posts, which allows you to share brand-relevant articles or other content from around the web.

Do YOU run a company page on Myspace? If so, what’s your favorite way to connect with customers? Let us know in the comments!

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