How to make money with Pinterest

There’s been a profusion of interest in the new(ish) social media site, Pinterest – see my boards .

One of the advantages of Pinterest – compared to Facebook you can’t create a page where people find your interest easily, unless you’re already connected to each other.  On Pinterest you can search for Tennis shoes, or Apple accessories or B2B marketing. You see, it’s so much more powerful for search and discovery.

Pinterest uses the Youtube algorithm for popularity  and so if your pins get relayed/repinned quickly and you get some momentum the popularity of your boards move up fast.

7 things to do today on Pinterest

Here are our suggestions on things you can do wiht your client’s brands to earn revenues, SEO backlinks and more from using the service for your business.

  1. Pin things from your own blog – get people reading what you write
  2. pin a book on Amazon using your affiliate link – copy the link and paste it into the Pinterest add button… it pulls the picture and makes it part of your page… if it gets re-pinned by anyone else, your affiliate button goes with it!
  3. Drive SEO from Pinterest by naming your board creatively – your board name becomes the title of that page (see this one we created on Creative Agency Infographics).  When you create a board the first word of the board name becomes the meta description… So don’t use “Things I like” it gets you nowhere.
  4. Use key words for your business or service when describing your pictures AND your boards….like this one for Rowing Gifts for Rowers
  5. Don’t forget, it’s also a social site – the more comments and likes you get the higher they show up in search.
  6. Write headlines using key words and in a manner that drives traffic ‘I can’t believe this hasn’t got sugar in it…‘ people click to see what it does have in it!
  7. Use it for the niche research… find which boards have likes and repins – if you find a board which has both then it may a good product – maybe you should feature it or use for your own site.

Getting legal with brands

Yo need to know that there is a clause in the Terms of use that says no commercial use…But plenty of people are advocating using it for marketing and so Pinterest may have to change TOU.  Let’s face it, the worst thing they’ll do is shut down your board.

Downsides of Pinterest

You have to have more than one Faceboook account to get more than one Pinterest account….so go create!


Rebecca writes about Agency business development on Creative Agency Secrets.  Subscribe for weekly news.

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