In the modern business age, knowledge is what sets you apart from your competition. It enables you to penetrate difficult and complex areas of the market and drive your enterprise to new heights.
However, a very real challenge exists. As your business grows and accumulates more people, it can be immensely difficult to ensure that knowledge is shared effectively.
That is why training days are so important to any successful business. They offer the chance to get everyone in the enterprise up to speed with the latest developments in the industry, learning from the experts, whilst also enabling everyone at the business to meet face to face with people that they might not otherwise be able to.
However, trying to get large numbers of busy people in the same room at any one time can be hard. When you finally manage to get everyone’s diaries in sync, you need to make sure that you get the maximum bang for your buck. This is where advance planning and meticulous organisations steps in, helping you to plan a fun and successful training day!
Specially designed and purpose-built for business, etc. has training rooms to maximise return. The best venues for training days are light and airy with comfortable seating and unlimited tea and coffee to ensure attendees are fully alert and engaged throughout the day. Make things easy on yourself by choosing a venue where all stationary is provided along with plasma screens, projectors and flip charts to help trainers impart their knowledge to attendees.
Motivational speaker
This is a key (and expensive) part of the day so you need to ensure it goes well. Book a speaker several months in advance to avoid disappointment and specify the topic and objective to be met. Select a venue with the good acoustics, clear communication lines and all the equipment they will need to share their knowledge and expertise with your team. You should also make sure you know a little about them so you can provide a succinct introduction on the day.
The content is what makes the day a success, so it is crucial to choose the right activities. Select activities with your ultimate objectives in mind, for example if you want to improve trust and collaboration between employees, focus on team building activities whereas if you are looking to boost confidence and communication, think about incorporating debates or role play situations into the day.