With less than a month to go until Christmas, and invitations dropping on desks throughout the world, the office party season has officially begun. Officebroker.com offers the following advice to party goers everywhere.
Even if your boss is named Ebenezer, you should show up at your Company office party.
2. Eat, drink but don’t be too merry!
Probably the most important “do” at any office party. Just because people wish you a “merry” Christmas it doesn’t mean that you have to take them literally. Be aware that alcohol lowers your inhibitions, clouds judgment and may cause you to do something you regret.
3. Leave the mini skirt in the wardrobe
Leave low-cut, short and sexy items of clothing in your wardrobe. Not only will you catch a cold, but you may also lose the respect of your bosses and co-workers.
4. Watch the clock
Arrive on time and don’t be the last one found propping up the bar or asleep in a corner.
5. Talk the talk
Parties are not the time to shrink into the wallpaper. Mingle and introduce yourself to everyone. Have some ice-breakers ready such as “what are you doing for Christmas?” but avoid conversation deflators such as “do you have kids?” (If the answer is no, there’s no place to go from there.)
6. Don’t flirt with the boss
This is an office party, not a singles bar and it will not advance your career. Also make sure you aren’t caught in any compromising positions with a hidden camera – trying to explain a slow dance with the MD may be difficult.
7. Beware of the office gossip
Under no circumstances should you traffic in office gossip. You never know who is standing behind you.
8. Grin and bear it
The party is being given for your benefit, so be gracious, forget your paltry Christmas bonus and leave your Grinch personality at home for the evening.
9. Leave the bank card at home
Buying a drunken round for 30 may seem like a good idea at the time but the chances are that while your colleagues will soon forget this act of goodwill your kids won’t when Santa doesn’t come as a result!
10. Don’t talk shop
And whatever you do, remember that now is not the time to ask your boss for that long awaited promotion or pay rise. You honestly won’t get it!
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