How to write the perfect tweet

How to write the perfect tweet

Jessica McGreal shares her three top tips for maximising engagement on Twitter

I’ve just been looking through B2B Marketing’s social analytics to understand what’s been working over the last 12 months. I thought I’d share a few interesting findings from our Twitter account…

1. Always add an image

With images, gifs and videos some of the most effective content formats, and part of Twitter’s home feed, text-only updates will no longer cut it. In 2015 our tweets featuring infographics gained the most reach across the social network. So, if you want your update to be read it’s worth taking the time to add some visuals. In-stream images are 440×200 pixels, but larger images can be expanded.

2. Lists get clicks

Our most clicked tweets from the last 12 months follow a very standard list formula, e.g. ‘Top 5…’ These simple bitesize articles are easy to consume online, and therefore shareable. A fun way to make your followers aware of a piece of content like this is to spend an afternoon counting down the list. If it’s a list of the best brands always mention the company by their Twitter account. 

3. Stats fuel engagement

Finally, the tweets with the highest engagement (i.e. the ones users respond to) highlight industry stats and facts. Sharing snippets of new research is a great way to fuel debate. Ask your audience their opinion on a stat or run a Twitter poll around it. For example, the tweet ‘B2B marketers are dedicating 12% of budget + 20% of time to social media marketing – is this enough?’ received 41 responses alone.

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