Chief marketing officers (CMOs) are aware of a permanent shift in the ways marketers interact with their customers but they question whether the industry is fully able to meet the new challenges, according to an in-depth survey of CMOs carried out by IBM.
The study, which saw 1700 CMOs from around the globe interviewed, also states that coping with the digital data explosion and the ability to demonstrate return on investment are the two primary challenges facing marketers in the coming year.
Carolyn Heller Baird, CRM research lead for the IBM Institute for Business Value and the global director of the study, said, “The inflection point created by social media represents a permanent change in the nature of customer relationships.
“Approximately 90 per cent of all the real-time information being created today is unstructured data. CMOs who successfully harness this new source of insight will be in a strong position to increase revenues, reinvent their customer relationships and build new brand value.”
Learn more about IBM’s CMO study.