CEOs aim to increase their level of engagement on social media over the next five years; good news for B2B marketers looking to persuade the C- suite of the benefits of social media.
According to the fifth addition of IBM’s Global CEO Study series, 20 per cent of CEOs said social media is currently one of the most important forms of interaction but this increased to 57 per cent when they were asked where it would be in 3-5 years. On the other hand, face-to-face interaction decreased in perceived importance from 80 per cent to 67 per cent.
UK and Ireland CEOs felt internal collaboration was key to employees’ success. Eighty four per cent said collaboration was key for employee engagement in comparison to 31 per cent who said the same for financial rewards. This could be a nod in right direction for internal collaboration tools such as Tibbr, Yammer and Huddle.
Stephen Leonard, chief executive, IBM UK and Ireland commented on the findings, “In these difficult times, CEOs are turning to partnerships and technology to help them overcome the challenges their organisations are facing. CEOs that drive their organisations to innovate, collaborate and understand their customers better will be well-placed to achieve success, both now and in the long-term.”
The Global study was compiled after 1709 CEOs from 64 countries were interviewed between September 2011 and January 2012.