In Remarkable We Trust

Author: Paul Cash
Publisher: Self-published
Reviewer: Simon Wright, MD, Greenwich Design

As someone who lives and dreams design and branding, and who finds inspiration in anything a little bit different, I found myself invigorated by the pace and individual style of In Remarkable We Trust. It looks pretty, has no chapters and is scattered with brilliant illustrations of sparklingly clear thought. I love ‘stopenomics’ – not just doing what is briefed but stopping, taking a step back and considering all alternatives.

There were two ideas that stood out and were illustrated brilliantly. Firstly, ‘simple is best’. Secondly, ‘we’re all in the ideas business’. I know it’s obvious, and its simplicity makes me feel stupid for not using it before. But suddenly here’s a simple sentence that sums up what we all do. We’re all ideas people, just at different points in the supply chain.

I did, though, find parts of the book a bit sensationalist. I was constantly matching Cash’s experiences with my own and some didn’t quite fit. While I agree we live in times of unprecedented transformation, I’m far from convinced that it’s quite the ‘all change or stay on a train heading to nowheresville’ scenario. The old saying about baby and bath water remain true.

I still need to work on my ‘zagology’ but doing things differently is a constant pursuit. This is a book that will invite me back again and again. It inspires business and marketing leaders to re-invent and reimagine their business from the inside out, and provides the framework and ideas to help them. The message is clear – those that are doing everything they can to be remarkable will win.

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