Inbound Marketing vs. PPC – Which is a better investment for you?

What do you expect to generate from your websites? Obviously leads. But what if you fail to generate the number leads you would have expected from your site? Different thoughts come to your mind like – is it necessary to activate PPC? Will you focus more on creation of outstanding content for attracting greater number of leads in inbound marketing? Do you need to make more advertisements?

Well, not one answer will fit your situation. Certain things need to be explained. Let’s see what will be the solution in such a B2B marketing scenario.

Good PPC Results in Failure of Bad Sites

“Good advertising makes bad products fail faster” – a popular old proverb in the advertising world. This is absolutely perfect. Good advertisements drive a good number of folks to purchase a particular product and once they figure out the negative aspects of the product, they start talking negative about it. Thanks to social media in this regard that helps spreading of the bad news like wildfire. A storm is created which ultimately leads to product failure.

This same principle is also applicable to inbound marketing. Here the bad product is the ‘badly designed website’ and PPC ads are the ‘social media’.  Buying efficient PPC ads means buying that will attract greater number of visitors to your website. But visitors visiting a poorly designed website through PPC ads ultimately do not get converted to leads. Hence, they decide to do business with some other site.

Inbound Marketing is an All Round Process

Lead generation through advertising is an old tradition. Now, with change in time and business prospect, lead generation methods have also undergone a drastic change. Presently, business professionals use other platforms like buying ads in some popular magazines, attending the trade shows, buying online PPC ads and so on. Once you get leads through these processes, you begin your sales process. These platforms work best for those who expect to “get a meeting” or “get a call”.  

But let me tell you, inbound marketing is not just about getting “a meeting” or “a call”. It is concerned on getting the right meeting or the right call from a prospect client. The aim of inbound marketing is not only to generate lead but to generate quality leads. Hence, you need to think every aspect of this program. Ensure that your website provides everything that a prospect visiting your site needs to know. This will effectively help to convert your prospects to qualified leads.

Content Marketing Increases Conversion Rate

Website design and content are the primary considerations when website fails to convert as many leads as you expect. Here are three primary questions which you should ask yourself to decide on which area you should focus on before investing in PPC.

Is your site funnel optimized?
Does your content optimization suit search engine?
Are you selling or helping through your site?

Make your site website informative and contents optimized for the popular search engine so that they naturally appear when searched. Once you have improved all these aspects, you can think of investing on PPC.

Hence, you see that many factors are responsible in driving greater traffic to a site and converting the prospective clients to leads. PPC ads are not the only mode of lead generation and marketing.

Alex Mathew is a renowned author who writes articles on Procurement Companies and related topics. He has a vast experience in writing highly informative articles. His articles have been helpful to many readers.

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