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How joining the board will make you a better commercial marketer

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In this week’s episode of the B2B Marketing Podcast, Joel Harrison is joined by Chris Wright, Commercial and Marketing Director, BSI and Simon Rusling, Head of Marketing, Barnett Waddingham. This week’s podcast is in association with Propolis, our community and intelligence platform which gives you access to insights to make decisions, connect with experts and unlock actionable guides and content. This month, we’re talking about all things commercial marketing.

The senior marketers both share how they got into their current roles and developed their skillset over time, as well as the key to being influential when joining the board. You’ll hear how sitting in board meetings can take your marketing to the next level and help you understand the business at a deeper level. Plus they share some advice on how to take off your marketing hat and think like an executive board member.

For more on Propolis, check out all the details here:

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