Leads leading the way

B2B marketers are placing strong emphasis on leads. According to our latest report on lead generation and lead nurturing, 60 per cent of survey respondents named lead generation as one of their top three priorities. A further 26 per cent identified it as their highest priority.

The Lead Generation and Nurturing Benchmarking Report, produced in association with our research partner, Circle Research and sponsor The Newbury Group, interviewed nearly 300 client-side marketers to identify attitudes, trends, tools and techniques used to achieve marketing objectives.

Here are some takeaway stats to whet your appetite…

  1. B2B marketers are highly focused on leads. Sixty eight per cent of respondents rated their organisation six out of 10 for lead-orientated objectives.
  2. Increasing ‘quality’ of leads is marketers’ highest priority objective. The highest priorities for respondents are increasing the quality and quantity of leads generated – as identified by 53 per cent and 50 per cent respectively.
  3. Marketers expect to increase spend in lead generation/nurturing activities.  Almost 70 per cent of survey participants expect to increase their investment in lead activity in the next 12 months.
  4. Live events and telemarketing are best for lead quality. Live events were cited as best for quality of leads by 43 per cent of respondents compared to 40 per cent for telemarketing, while email was top on quantity.
  5. Content is the biggest challenge in lead activity. Twenty four per cent of respondents reported creating content for lead activity was their top issue.
  6. Email is most effective for generating new leads. Forty two per cent of respondents identified email as the number one channel for generating new leads when it comes to targeting new customers.

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