LinkedIn ends B2B research sample service

LinkedIn has stopped offering sample data from its 60 million members to B2B market researchers.

The global business networking site first began offering market researchers access to its B2B survey samples in October 2008 as part of its LinkedIn Research Network service.

According to statistics from Anderson Analytics, 68 per cent of LinkedIn members had never previously been part of a research panel, 18 per cent had been on a panel but had left, and 14 per cent were currently members of a panel.

The study showed that lapsed panel members were ‘significantly’ more likely to have higher salaries and more senior positions in their companies.

Dan Shapero, LinkedIn’s senior director of enterprise solutions, told Anderson that while research remained a ‘strategic focus’ for the firm, it had decided to refocus its research efforts by deploying research products that will help it build larger relationships with its HR and ad clients.

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