Employees are one of the greatest – though often hidden – assets of your brand.
How they feel about your brand is vitally important to the way they perform their jobs.
How they feel is tied to what you do for them over and above what they might expect.
GE Global Research gets this.
They’ve recently launched an excellent employee-based concept that will not only make their employees feel special and valued, but will also build the GE brand in a particularly meaningful way with customers and others vital to GE’s success.
This is because of the superb way they are executing the concept. They just don’t award stars and leave it at that. Rather they take us inside some very interesting people through answers to these questions:
- What problems are you trying to solve?
- What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
- What are your top 5 favorite books?
- What inspires you to do what you do?
Imagine how interesting and meaningful this is to the entire team at GE. We’re sure they need to collaborate across borders on projects. It might be daunting to learn you’ve been assigned to a team with someone whose been recently named a GE Genius of the Day, yet quite reassuring to know you both share a love of Tintin!
Customers, partners, suppliers and distributors also come to better understand and appreciate everything GE is working on (“What problems are your trying to solve?”) as seen through the eyes of an expert. They get a glimpse into the future that’s coming from GE, the brand that says, “Imagination at work.”
GE has also created a desktop version of the concept which anyone can download from the main site:
Spotted here: http://www.brandflakesforbreakfast.com/