Almost half of B2B marketers (46 per cent) find demonstrating content ROI a key challenge, a new B2B Marketing study has revealed.
When asked to report on the degree to which respondents can demonstrate ROI only one per cent claimed to be able to do so ‘completely.’
More encouragingly 22 per cent claimed to be able to do so ‘most of the time’, and a further 17 per cent were able to calculate ROI on about half of their content marketing activity.
However, 37% of respondents were able to demonstrate ROI only ‘some of the time’ and 18 per cent admitted they were able to demonstrate ROI either ‘rarely or never’.
Meanwhile, five per cent didn’t know whether they were able to demonstrate ROI at all.
Download the full report here: B2B Marketing Content Marketing Benchmarking Report 2013. Plus, download the #b2bcontent infographic providing further detail on the report.