Missed Martechopia 2022? Here’s what you need to know

“Martechopia is all about practical guidance, insight and tangible experience. Anyone coming along will leave with thoughts, advice and tips on how to do things differently and better”

So, who spoke at Martechopia?

As speaker Holly Gage puts it: “After the last two years, so much has changed. It’s more important than ever to get out and have conversations with people and spark new ideas.” And Martechopia did just that.

Our Propolis Hive experts kicked off the keynote sessions by taking stock of the disruption caused by Covid and how the future of marketing has changed – for good.

Following on from this theme, Cvent’s Felicia Asiedu and Karen discussed how events navigated the pandemic storm and the rising hybrid horizon in 2022.


Sessions then split into two stages: Propolis and partner. Propolis is our exclusive community for B2B marketers to share insights, solve issues with on tap expert advice and access our best content. As such, these sessions were only available to the physical audience, whilst partner sessions were live streamed to digital attendees. 

However, delegates who attended can access all sessions  on-demand for a limited time only. You can see the full list of sessions at the bottom of this article.

Afternoon sessions spanned far and wide, covering everything from digital transformation and social media to CX and finding your ideal MOPs team. Simon Daniels and Propolis MOPs Hive expert Karla Wenthworth hosted a live podcast episode of What’s MOPs got to do with it?. They were even armed with branded Terry’s Chocolate Oranges.


Keynote speaker and Velocity co-founder Doug Kessler rounded off Martechopia with another three letter acronym – NFTs: What they mean for B2B and if Paris Hilton swears by them, why should you?

Our in-person delegates then joined us for networking over drinks. Those online got the chance to rub (digital) shoulders with one another.

“[Martechopia] is a bit like a therapy session for me. It’s a meeting of minds where people can come and get advice - a network of people sharing the same issues and problems"

A truly hybrid event

We all talk about hybrid. But what does it actually look like?

Our very own head of content, David Rowlands, and head of enterprise sales, Sarah Casswell, were Martechopia’s virtual hosts – taking virtual delegates seamlessly from one session to the next.

We partnered with event technology platform SpotMe to curate a unique, comprehensive experience for both live and virtual attendees. The Eventspace app by SpotMe had everything from practical information (agenda, floor plan), to an exclusive look at our Propolis MOPs Hive Report jam packed with practical guidance.

Both in-person and virtual delegates could ask questions to our speakers via the app. Whilst other hybrid events may disadvantage those online, Martechopia sought to create an interactive experience that engaged virtual attendees rather than treating them like a third wheel.

Networking was no exception. To further bridge the digital gap, delegates (both digital and in-person) could swap business cards via the app. There was even a matchmaking option for a tailored approach to networking. Who needs Tinder?

Three of the top 10 attendees who engaged most with the app were in with the chance of winning a 64G iPad Air and two £100 Amazon vouchers. What more could you want?


Missed out on the fun?

Don’t worry if you couldn’t make it to Martechopia. You can register your interest for 2023 today

But that’s not all. If you’re a serious martech player, enter your submissions for the Martech Awards. With 19 awards across three categories, there’s something for everyone. 

Awards are judged by 25 client-side industry-leading professionals. You’ll not only get the chance to shout about your success to the whole industry, but also get your name known by the best in the business.

Deadline for submissions is 14 April. Don’t miss out and submit today!

The full list of Martechopia sessions:

  • Two years that changed B2B marketing – forever: Karla Wentworth, Shane Redding and Steve Kemish.
  • Martech and MOPs report preview: How to ride the wave of change – not get swept away: Karla Wentworth, Dr Christine Bailey and Scott Stockwell.
  • In the eye of the storm: How Cvent set course through the pandemic towards a new future for B2B events: Felicia Asiedu and Karen Carter.
  • How Atos doubled-down on digital, and what it learned about martech along the way: Ruth Oakey (Propolis stage).
  • Why what we’ve been doing is wrong with B2B revenue generation, how we got into this mess, and what to do about it: Kerry Cummingham (partner stage).
  • Five pillars of success for excellent tech-driven marketing: From forty years and two technology marketers: Steve Kemish and Reena Mistry (Propolis stage).
  • Time to leave The Marketing Matrix – Thinking of events as more than just physical OR Virtual: Stevyn Kemp (partner stage).
  • There are no unicorns. How to recognise, develop and recruit for the skills really needed to succeed in marketing operations: Holly Gage (Propolis stage).
  • How to Use Data and Tech to Build B2B Buyer Journeys Fit for 2022: Steve Russell, Shane Redding, Tazmin Miah and Steve Kemish (partner stage).
  • How to conquer apathy, drive ROI, and ‘nudge’ your way to martech adoption success: Russ Powell (Propolis stage).
  • The Neverending Customer Experience – Why B2B brands are focusing on experience to optimise the customer journey: Adam Greco (partner stage).
  • Lessons from the frontline of IET’s strategy-led martech transformation: Toni Allen (Propolis stage).
  • Connected, consistent and engaging: How KPMG built an event tech layer to ‘wow’ its customers: Pierre Boesinger and Andrew Ward (partner stage).
  • What’s Mops got to do with it? LIVE PODCAST: Karla Wentworth and Simon Daniels (Propolis stage).
  • From rhetoric to revenue: the rebirth of social media as a B2B growth engine: Colin Day and Andrew Davies (partner stage).
  • Building the best digital marketing team: Joel Harrison with Tim Stone, Katie Colbourne and Laura Sloane (Propolis stage).
  • Making martech work your way: Brittany Meakin and Adrianne Haynes-Samuel
  • Gilroy (partner stage).
  • NFTs in B2B – An Idiot’s Guide: Doug Kessler.

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