Alarmingly, only 10 per cent of B2B marketers can demonstrate ROI on social media activity ‘most’ or ‘all’ of the time, recent B2B Marketing research has revealed.
Only seven per cent can demonstrate ROI ‘about half the time’. Forty four per cent of respondents can show ROI ‘rarely’ or ‘not at all’. While a further 10 per cent ‘don’t know’ the extent to which they can demonstrate ROI on their activity.
More worrying still, the report shows that this situation is worsening as time goes on. The percentage of B2B marketers able to demonstrate ROI 100 per cent of the time has fallen from four per cent to one per cent since 2011.

The report shows that B2B marketers are becoming less confident about social media ROI; despite the graduate maturation of the technology and the potential for wider understanding of the techniques involved.
For an overview of the full report download the B2B Marketing Social Media Benchmarking Report 2013 key findings document.
Download an infographic providing further detail on the report.