Myths and legends

If you’ve seen the cover of this month’s B2B Marketing magazine you’ll be aware we’ve gone back a few millennia and borrowed a mythical theme from the Ancient Greeks in a bid to help you debunk some common B2B marketing myths.

Many myths and legends are shrouded in mystery and it’s fun to play along. For example, the questionable existence of the Loch Ness Monster has inspired a couple of films, ‘Loch Ness’ and ‘The Water Horse’. The Wookey Hole Witch, apparently turned to stone after a monk threw blessed water over her, attracts scores of tourists to Somerset every year.

As wonderful as I think B2B marketing is, I can’t see anyone making a film about the struggle to tame the beast that is ‘big data’, or opening a tourist attraction showing a piece of deceased direct mail. And that’s partly because these things just aren’t true. Big data is data and, when you know how, is perfectly manageable. And direct mail is nowhere near to being buried six feet under.

Head over to the article for the full list of myths we found parading as facts.

As well as disproving myths, we’ve also been noticing trends this month.

The editorial team here at B2B are a proud bunch; we take our passion for words and grammar very seriously, sometimes having to fight the urge to take a red correction pen to friends’ emails (it’s worth noting any minuscule errors you might see here are clearly intentional). So when we noticed a trend that brands were bypassing journalists and creating their own newsrooms, we were outraged.

I kid. We said ‘good on you’. As you know, if done well, content marketing is incredibly valuable, and why not extend this offering from being just thought leadership-based content, to include more news focused pieces?

So we thought we’d take a look and see who’s doing it well, what areas are proving to be a bit of a struggle, and if the relationship between brands and journalists is dead or just changing. Read the article for our conclusions and feel free to let us know if you’re nodding in agreement with these features or completely disagree.

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