Nothing’s Changed But My Change: The ShoeMoney Story

Author: Jeremy Schoemaker
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Reviewer: Gavin Wheeler, CEO at direct and digital marketing agency WDMP

I came across the book in a cold email from a presentation training company. Their angle was to make a true difference in presentations you need to be telling compelling stories. People need to be captivated and enthralled with what you have to say to remember you and your message. Too often what we say and show is indigestible and just plain dull.

Here is a man who has made a fortune from building firstly content for the web, but then working out how to monetise it, and then more importantly working how to monetise the “How to monetise” part. He runs a very successful Internet Marketing blog, where he very generously gives away all his tips and advice, but this is the clever bit – that’s how he makes his money. So I thought I would put it to the test and read it as my commute book this week. I hadn’t heard of Mr Schoemaker but in Internet Marketing he is up there with Seth Godin, (apparently). So I thought let’s have a read, put the story telling to test and see if we can learn anything on Internet Marketing on the way.

This isn’t a get rich quick book though, although there are some genuine Internet Marketing tips peppered through-out.

The  main issue was the storytelling, was it interesting and compelling? I think so; it was certainly bluntly honest, fresh, amusing and one man’s view and take on life – a geek to riches book. I liked the lack of grammar, the plain speaking nature and was drawn to the story – so that part works then.

It’s definitely a light read and I would recommend it – it’s in the category of “chewing gum for the mind” rather than a literary feast. It certainly isn’t the usual dull, heavy business tome.

Star rating: 4/5


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