now mainstream in B2B

There’s been a lot of discussion recently, on LinkedIn and various other forums, about QR codes and whether they are really a B2B tool. I’ve noticed that they are now essential for outdoor advertising in certain consumer categories, such as video games, but I wasn’t sure if they would make the leap to B2B.

Any doubts I had were dispelled once and for all this morning, when I saw a great big stonking QR code on the hordings around the 60 Holborn Viaduct development site in the City of London. If they’ve spread to property development, I think we can officially say they are mainstream and here to stay.

If you think about it, property development for high end offices is an obvious use for QR codes: you’re targeting busy people, on the move, who all have smartphones with the relevant kit. It’s a no-brainer. And if they can be used here, surely they can be used across numerous other B2B categories. So, if you’re not using them already, time to start.

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