On Message

Author: Theo Theobald

Publisher: Kogan Page

Reviewer: Rob Manning, MD Jacob Bailey

Content marketing is certainly the buzzword on everyone’s lips. In this digital age B2B marketers are required to engage with prospects more so.

Harnessing the power of social media. Taking advantage of more informal forms of communication. Getting messages across in short and impactful sentences. These are the challenges we face as marketers, and these are areas all B2B marketers can improve on.

When I first read the blurb for On Message I was looking forward to what could potentially be the answer – Finally a guide to help marketers adapt their content for a digital world. And in that respect I was not disappointed.

On Message is well written, (which you would hope from a copywriter). It takes the key principles that we all agree we should be following and brings them to life through a good level of insight and examples.

Covering all areas from how to write sticky content, how to construct a good tweet to how to write an engaging blog – it is certainly a book I would recommend to colleagues looking to enhance their copy writing and editing skills.

I do, however, have two observations that in my opinion would have made On Message even better. The first is the diagrams lack flare, and at times it is difficult to really pull out the key points.

The second is from a B2B perspective. It is clear this text is aimed and written for the SME market looking for advice, but all of the examples and exercises concentrate on B2C. The segmentation chapter gives a good top-level view into how you can analyse and segment your audience. But it only talks about B2C segmentation models.

Although we can of course apply the same principles across our B2B audience, it would have been nice if a few of the examples covered how to engage a business audience.

With my two criticisms aside, On Message is very much a worthwhile read.


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