Pioneers of Digital

Authors: Mel Carson and Paul Springer 
Publisher: Kogan Page 
Reviewer: Charlotte Armstrong-Williams, digital media apprentice, Kelso Consulting

Who does not love a book by the pioneers of digital advertising, marketing and social media themselves!

Pioneers of Digital explains many secrets of the digital sphere that even the newest marketer can understand and apply. It looks at the past, present and the future of digital marketing, highlighting how this can be applied to current and future campaigns. This is helped by the examples of industry giants such as Google and Facebook.

It incorporates a fantastic breakdown of the digital sphere is important to understand the marketing success seen in the case studies. It is important for any marketer looking to the future to understand where people have succeeded and failed with their own attempts at joining the 21st Century.

It was nice to see the strategy behind the campaign, and how executive digital creator Malcolm Poynton created the first multimedia campaign to establish an active, online community. I quickly realised how present social media campaigns have imitated this form of marketing. Imitation is of course the best form of flattery!

The book has enforced the importance of embracing commercial online thinking, strategically setting out fundamental steps to secure success in marketing and advertising through digital media platforms. The jargon buster at the back of the book was a handy tool.

It is a book which you should not be without when new campaigns are being coined. The right path to reach your audience is out there and this book will help you get there faster than before.
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