Predictive analytics is marketing’s weakest data skill

Predictive analytics is marketing’s weakest data skill

Predictive analytics is the weakest data skill among B2B marketers, their team and their organisation, according to B2B Marketing’s Data Skills Benchmarking Report.

Only 27 per cent of marketers rated their own predictive analysis as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’, with a worrying 41 per cent admitting their level of expertise was ‘quite poor’ or ‘poor’.

The situation deteriorates when examining how marketers perceive their team’s and organisation’s predictive analytics skills.

A concerning 52 per cent of marketers rated their company’s predictive analysis as poor, and were even more damning of their team’s skills (62 per cent ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’).

Across the board, marketers were more complimentary of their own data skills, with the strongest areas of expertise being decision-making, campaign analysis and ability to transform data into business insight.

Team data skills rated the highest were data segmentation, campaign analysis and performance reporting (ROI, KPIs).

Joel Harrison, editor-in-chief at B2B Marketing, commented: “This report demonstrates there is a large discrepancy between how marketers rate their own data expertise and how they perceive specific skills within their teams and organisations.

“Despite this, predictive analysis is consistently the weakest data skill across the board. It’s clear that marketers need to stop merely discussing the merits of using data to make accurate predictions and begin to actively do something about it.”

This report was produced in partnership with Circle Research and is available to download here. It is free for members of B2B Marketing, or available to purchase for non-members.

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