Print Power UK has launched a ‘Touched by DM’ campaign to promote the power of print in direct marketing.
Imaginative direct mail pieces have been sent to 2,200 leading UK brand owners and media decision makers as part of a European initiative to demonstrate the high degree of response which can be obtained with creative direct mail.
Developed by Ogilvy’s Red Works office, the mailing consists of four elements: the envelope, which is in fact a folded-up poster, holds a personalised letter, a chalked blackboard, a reply card and reply envelope. The blackboard card contains a hidden message which becomes visible once the chalk is wiped away. Leaving a print of their chalk-covered hand on the reply card allows the recipient of the mailing to obtain a personalised Moleskine notebook as the handprint is then scanned and printed on the cover of the notebook.

The campaign also features cases and examples of sensory print on the Print Power website, a video on the production of the mailing, a presentation with inspiring cases and a reminder mailing using Augmented Reality.
The DMs have already been sent out in Spain, France and Italy with remarkable The brand has seen great results from inital DMs sent to France, Spain and Italy. France has reported a nine per cent return rate on the mailing, while Italy 14.7 per cent and Spain 23.5 per cent return rate. The normal return rate for this kind of mailing is between 0.5 per cent and 1.0 per cent. Over the coming months the mailing will be sent out to a further nine countries across Europe.
Martyn Eustace, country manager at Print Power UK, says: “In a world where online and social media channels are very much the focus of media buyer attention, print is staging a comeback. Its special sensory qualities, particularly touch, just can’t be emulated on-line and, linked with a well targeted and imaginative mail campaign, will deliver impressive results and, importantly, high ROI.”