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Technical Models and Guides

How to Build a Data Strategy in Four Steps

Written by Propolis Expert Tony Lamb

Trying to get data to drive significant business value can often feel like “eating the proverbial elephant”

Ensuring that data is a key driver of your marketing strategy and can drive business value is much easier to achieve in theory than it is in practice. There are many blockers and barriers to overcome, from a lack of organisational alignment to a raft of cultural issues within businesses that can lead to the vast majority of data analytic projects failing to deliver their intended value.

To address these issues and reverse this trend you can access this four step process to build an effective data strategy which covers:

  • Business drivers
  • Analysis and prioritisation
  • Current state analysis
  • Data strategy

This process will allow you to proceed with any data initiative aligned with the wider business, aligning and progressing as you do – and increase your chances of success.

This guide was developed by expert Tony Lamb, data and insight expert at Propolis. There are 30 such experts on hand to share their expertise and experience as well as offer 121-support on Propolis, a community intelligence platform that enables B2B marketers to enhance strategy, build a world-class marketing function and deliver tangible ROI. Joining Propolis also gives you access to a raft of tools, guides and best practice to drive and execute innovation as well as live and on-demand training, workshops roundtables and briefings.



This is one of eight models and guides produced every quarter by the Propolis Experts, each designed to help develop knowledge and drive efficiencies across your marketing campaigns. The full set of models and guides is available exclusively to Propolis members.

Tony Lamb

Data and Insight Expert, B2B Marketing

Tony Lamb is a senior data leader with over 25 years of experience building high-performance data functions for large corporations, B2B marketing service companies, and SME businesses. He formed his own data consultancy in 2001 and has diverse experience working with C-Level sponsors and senior leadership teams to build bottom-up data strategies that deliver business value. Tony is a Director of Nua Training and a conference speaker specialising in data strategy and master data management. He was also previously the Chair of the DMA Data Council.

Tony is data and insight expert on Propolis, B2B Marketing’s community intelligence platform that enables B2B marketers to enhance strategy, build a world-class marketing function and deliver tangible ROI. Learn more about Propolis via the Link below.

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