Put data at the heart of content

B2B marketers are under pressure to deliver content that’s targeted, timely and contextual. Evidence shows that marketers who achieve this enjoy better lead generation and conversion rates. So, how do you integrate data science and creative capabilities to ensure content hits the mark?

Data and creative need to be symbiotic. Analysis of data helps identify buyers with the highest propensity to convert and facilitates understanding of their needs and challenges. This can inform the creative process, resulting in content that addresses challenges in a way that’s relevant, of the moment and useful.

But it doesn’t stop there. Tracking how people respond to and engage with content can also reveal important insights. Analysing this data and looping it back to guide the next wave of creative output can result in a continual improvement cycle where marketing performance gets better over time.

It sounds simple. Yet, for many marketers, integrating data and content can be a daunting task. Barriers range from technology limitations and lack of resource to poor collaboration between teams. However, it’s important to remember that data/content integration is a journey, not a destination. All journeys have to start with a single step, and here are four that could help you on your way: 

1. Hone your prospect list

You don’t need me to tell you that a well-managed database is the cornerstone of data-led content. But if your brand is one of the many that gets a little behind in its database maintenance from time to time, it’s important to maintain perspective. Target one segment at a time and focus on getting it up to date.

When the fundamental aspects of your database are in good shape, you can focus on developing prospect profiles. Align this activity with the wider sales and marketing strategy to ensure it’s focused and purposeful. Prioritise segments according to business potential, then pinpoint prospects’ likely content needs and preferences.

If you lack the data to shape these decisions, it’s fine to use supposition initially. Over time, you’ll be able to revisit the database and build more intelligent profiles rooted in evidenced behaviours.2

2. Listen to the buzz

What are people talking about in target industries? Are your typical prospects venting on LinkedIn or Twitter? Who are the industry leaders and opinion formers and what are they blogging about or talking about on social platforms?

Data analytics enables background noise to be harnessed and distilled to identify issues that really matter to target audiences. Such insight is invaluable when planning content themes and assets. Whether you’re developing a long-term campaign or responding to an emerging issue in real-time, data can enrich content for better relevance and resonance with potential buyers.

This represents an important step from surmising to knowing what prospects want and need. Data science capabilities take the guesswork out of content marketing.

3. Analyse what works

Once the content is out there, it’s vital to track it and learn from it. Use metrics that facilitate an understanding of what performs well and what generates the most brand advocacy and interaction.

Analysis should take multiple factors into account. Does the content offer advice or invite debate? Consider the format – do research reports perform better than whitepapers? Videos better than podcasts? Blogs better than infographics? Do prospects respond well to interactive questionnaires or do they prefer to download high-value assets with lots of detail? Which themes seem to hit home?

This data provides a benchmark from which to assess the impact of content. Feeding learnings back to the planning and creative teams enables future activity to be optimised for better efficacy.

4. Analyse when it works

Delivering content at the most opportune time is perhaps the trickiest aspect of an effective strategy. But data can ease the process.

There are various ways of looking at this. Identifying which content performs better at different stages of the buying process is one aspect. Track what people look at when, and overlay it with data surrounding lead generation and conversion. This can provide a robust view of which assets resonate with the right buyers as they progress through the funnel.  

It’s also worth considering the times of day, week or month that prospects tend to engage with different content types. For commuters, a regular thought leadership podcast they can listen to en route may help move them systematically along the buyer journey. Do they have a busy month end? Then don’t email about your latest paper, webinar or video until the start of the next month when they’re likely to have more time to engage. 

Data science and content are stronger together

In a buyer-driven world, it stands to reason that we need to know about buyers and the environments they operate in. Finding ways to integrate the art and science of content marketing is a critical factor in serving the right content to the right people at the right time.

Brands getting it right will respond more quickly to evolving needs and demands of target audiences. And they will also find it easier to demonstrate the percentage of business leads and conversions that can be directly linked to content marketing efforts.

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