Viking, part of Office Depot, has recently launched its spring TV and radio campaign, voiced by Chris Evans. Sophie Christopher, head of events, PR and external marketing communications at Office Depot shares her tips and challenges.
What was your first B2B-related job?
Selling advertising to small businesses for a newspaper.
What do you most enjoy about your job?
Diversity. There is always a new challenge and no two days are the same. I deal with the events and PR for the business as well as above-the-line marketing comms, so it keeps me busy.
Which B2B brand do you most admire?
Paypal. It is a relatively new company in the grand scheme of things, and it has done a great job of getting in front of the right audiences at the right time and growing its marketshare.
What is your favourite B2B ad campaign?
The advert for Google Chrome with entrepreneur Julie Deane. It illustrates how detailed and intricate the process of promoting a business or brand can be, yet the advert shows it in such a simple and effective way that it can inspire a whole host of people across the board – whether you’re an entrepreneur working out of your kitchen, or a large multinational company working across every continent.
What’s the best piece of marketing advice you’ve ever been given?
‘Always put the customer at the heart of everything you do.’
What is your proudest achievement?
I formed the current PR, events and external comms department from the ground up. The business had very little above-the-line advertising and PR activity. But within 12 months we had a full PR strategy and above-the-line advertising and marketing campaigns up and running.
To succeed, a B2B marketer must…
Understand the customer and their individual needs, and in turn offer varied solutions to those specific needs. If you can show customers that you truly identify with their needs and opinions, then they will be more inclined to interact with you and will welcome engagement.
What’s the next big thing in B2B marketing?
The marketing and communications world has changed so much in recent times, it is hard to say what the next big thing will be but it will definitely be in the digital engagement sphere.
What are the traits you most and least admire in yourself?
I am a finisher. I am tenacious and persistent towards an end goal that I believe in. This can be good and bad.
What marketing challenge are you currently wrestling with?
We are constantly wrestling with the challenge of budgets and return on investment.
What was your last marketing epiphany?
Even in the face of adversity, when the right marketing minds are at work, most situations can be turned to an advantage. Thinking outside the box helps you to explore levels of creativity and pushes the boundaries when it comes to being original.
Which marketing or business books would you recommend?
Rather than be bogged down with business books, stay up-to-date by joining relevant online forums and reading journals. You’ll get more of a current and realistic outlook on the industry from the people that are in the thick of it.
Who has had the biggest influence in your career?
The former commercial director at Office Depot. He is one of the brightest individuals I have ever met, not only did he teach me a lot but he also gave me some great opportunities to further develop my skills
and abilities.