Rackspace launches NoMoreServers.com

Rackspace Hosting has launched an online campaign, NoMoreServers.com, dedicated to exploring the move from in-house computing to cloud providers.

Rackspace has hired former founder of computing research firm Tier1 Research Andy Schroepfer to support the campaign site by covering the trend in-depth.

Schroepfer will look at how providers are evolving and how businesses are making the trend pay off. The site will publish daily commentary explaining the new era of computing, as well as filtering and reviewing developments and third-party content about Software as a Service (Saaf).

The site will also feature a live community portal and white papers for community members.

“A new way to run business computing is emerging,” said Lanham Napier, president and CEO of Rackspace.  “Countless business customers tell us they are finished buying servers and are looking for a computing partner. This trend will have major implications on the entire IT industry,” he added.

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