
Author: Glenn Granger
Publisher: Matador 
Reviewer: Charlie King, account executive at Kelso Consulting

Have you always created a strong and successful marketing campaign?

Well, if you failed to use a ‘systematic economic modelling approach’ then you probably lost out on extra sales and profits.

The only way to discover the best marketing spend is through modelling. Glenn Granger argues that any marketing decisions prior to this were taken by ‘soothsayers, astrologers and alchemists.’ This is the message throughout the book. As a mathematician, Granger understands that data and hard facts are the best approach to knowledge and understanding.

We have moved past the days where pure gut instinct was the best approach to deciding the marketing spend. Granger proposes strong economic data can now provide the real information needed to present a case for your marketing budget. Economic modelling is the next big thing for the marketing world as it now can be accessed in an affordable package.

The text could have just become a constant plug for Granger’s marketing software if it was not for the case studies and his own experiences. Nonetheless, if the software can do exactly what Granger suggests, then marketers should be sprinting to buy it.

However, on the whole it is a well argued book. It holds a very detailed and convincing argument which uses recent examples to demonstrate how using data and planning can achieve marketing success.  By looking at the past approaches to marketing, it could help even junior member of the team understand that backing up your suggestions with fact will guarantee you can secure the right budget you need to generate that maximum return.

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