Here at Creative Agency Secrets we have a policy to link out to many websites that visit the site. This is deliberate. And the results we get go beyond the obvious SEO benefits of cross-linking – take a look at this image.
Firstly, we check all the links that come into our site – you never know who is linking to you and it’s worth researching them.
Secondly, this firm Thiel, was clearly unaware of our link until they worked with the Hubspot marketing grader tool (try it it’s free to use) to appraise their site. Interestingly, they weren’t doing very well on most counts, except the power of the inbound links – Creative Agency Secrets was listed number 4 of 18 “Authoritative Domains”. Nice for us.
Thirdly, this gives us a reason to re-contact Thiel and see if they are interested in doing some business with us – it’s clear they’ve checked out our website; it’s clear their website needs some work and we can help with that.
So for your website. Go and check where inbound links are coming from; set a regular date to check each month and follow them up – you never know what you’ll find that could become a new customer.