2011-2012 saw Wyatt International enjoy unprecedented success in new business. We also delivered significant organic growth from many existing clients by bringing new dimensions to established campaigns.
No less than eight new contracts were won, but perhaps the most striking aspect of Wyatt PR’s year was the refreshment and expansion into new areas for our clients such as social media and international media relations activity.
Brammer plc’s PR retainer increased by more than 150 per cent to encompass the rollout of the highly successful UK media relations campaign – branded as ‘best practice’ within the Group – to 14 further countries, employing Wyatt’s highly successful ‘lead agency’ model.
Meanwhile, Saint-Gobain PAM UK, a Wyatt client for nearly 10 years, embraced social media for the first time, with the establishment of a highly successful LinkedIn Group debating key drainage sector issues, alongside continued strong media relations coverage in all its key target sectors.
Media relations and social media were also at the heart of a highly successful integrated communications campaign for AKW, positioning AKW as a thought and practice leader. The company has increased its PR investment by 50 per cent based on the impact of the campaign on its business.