AWARDS 2012 CASE STUDY: Category 3: Traffic Lights Party for by Fifth Ring

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Complete the form to instantly download all three. required a campaign to generate significant footfall on its website and create visibility of the brand during the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. The market place is a virtuous circle, so with a small booth, limited budget and extremely crowded event, the campaign had to align with’s longer-term strategy, to position it at the heart of oil and gas jobs –providing candidates and recruiters with everything required to find a perfect match.Capturing the zeitgeist of modern US culture, the campaign asked visitors to the conference to rate their job satisfaction by taking a drink in a coloured cup:• Red – I really love my job• Amber – Excite me and I will consider it• Green – I could be just what you are looking forThe campaign was a hit with visitors and received interest from local and international media. Such was the physically viral nature of the campaign; cups have been spotted in two international airports. Its success has seen implement traffic lights across its worldwide exhibition schedule. required a campaign to generate significant footfall on its website and create visibility of the brand during the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. The market place is a virtuous circle, so with a small booth, limited budget and extremely crowded event, the campaign had to align with’s longer-term strategy, to position it at the heart of oil and gas jobs –providing candidates and recruiters with everything required to find a perfect match.

Capturing the zeitgeist of modern US culture, the campaign asked visitors to the conference to rate their job satisfaction by taking a drink in a coloured cup:
• Red – I really love my job
• Amber – Excite me and I will consider it
• Green – I could be just what you are looking for

The campaign was a hit with visitors and received interest from local and international media. Such was the physically viral nature of the campaign; cups have been spotted in two international airports. Its success has seen implement traffic lights across its worldwide exhibition schedule.


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