Shortlist best use of thought leadership: ‘The Ongoing Journey of Thought Leadership’
We, Ingrid Archer en Shimon Ben Ayoun, founded spotONvision in 2006, a marketing and communications agency dedicated to B2B Marketing. We felt, however, there was no (Benelux) B2B Marketing knowledge, research, network,inspiring events or exchange of case studies.
herefore we executed a survey (in 2009) among B2B marketers, mostly our customers, and they could not agree more. Time for change.
So we took the opportunity to create a B2B community and used this to show our own B2B thought leadership and create demand for our marketing services. The main vehicle to create thought leadership was a first high quality event for B2B marketing and communication managers in the Amsterdam in 2010 “the B2B Marketing Forum”. This year (2013) we have organized the 4th edition!
We integrated the event in spotONvision’s content marketing strategy, from which we generate quality content to fill our year marketing calendar. We believe thought leadership is an ongoing process, which we have put in motion 4 years ago by organizing the B2B Marketing community.
Our objectives were:
1. Create online and offline platforms for the newly created B2B Marketing
2. Position spotONvision as a thought leader in B2B,
3. Generate inbound leads and
4. Grow our marketing business.
In all of these areas we succeeded and reached our goals.