Shortlist best corporate decision maker-targeted campaign: ‘Flexiday’
The Flexiday campaign took the events of a single day and turned them into the basis of a year-long programme targeting senior decision-makers in enterprise organisation.
On February 8th, 2012, O2’s head office in Slough was closed for the day. 2,500 people worked remotely. It showed flexible working in action, allowing O2 Enterprise to talk to corporate decision-makers about the benefits achieved.
Communications started before the day, talking about what was involved in the preparation. The campaign continued for a full year afterwards, sharing lessons learnt, views from different stakeholders and relating the story to other events in the news (like the Olympics).
Highlights of the results from a year of nurturing the audience:
• The campaign delivered 177 leads in 2012(against a target of 150)
• With an additional 299 future opportunities to nurture
• And a predicted ROI: 35x
• By the end of 2012, O2 Enterprise had a pipeline of over £800m for its new ICT services
• There was a 75% recall rate for ‘the Flexiday experiment’ on telemarketing calls in 2012 (the highest for any O2 Enterprise campaign in 2012)