Shortlist best international audience campaign: ‘Atos MyCity’
Our client, Atos, needed to broaden its IT in Cities offering across all sales and marketing territories worldwide, increase awareness and demand with city technology managers and political leaders and differentiate from competitors in the increasingly challenging and complex city infrastructure market. This required not only a refreshed and creative positioning but a true rethink of how this technology proposition needed to address the demands of real people in widely varying urban environments, in every region of the world.
Our approach created a new global expression of the IT in Cities proposition through relating city change with real people. Our MyCity concept has reshaped Atos’ core proposition around the universal needs of people living in cities; it has helped this global business create a powerful
and convincing narrative of how it can deliver realistic, supportive and human-centered services for the cities of today and tomorrow.
MyCity has rolled out in territories as diverse as The Netherlands, Austria, Iberian Peninsula, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Turkey, Serbia, North America and UK.